Transition Card: Midwest

Focus Area 1
Focus Area 2
Focus Area 3
Focus Area 4
Focus Area 5
Focus Area 6
Focus Area 7
Focus Area 8
Focus Area 9
Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation frozen meal project                    
Cancer Council Mid West/Gascoyne nutrition programs                    
Centacare Family Services emergency food relief                          
Diabetes WA DESMOND and SMARTS programs                              
Foodbank Geraldton emergency food relief                                
Mitchell Street Community Centre Community Garden                  
Regional Alliance West Emergency Food Relief program                    
Goodness Festival: Wild and Naked Food Expo                
The U-Turn Project: Mullewa Youth Centre Cooking Program                      
Sal The Gardening Gal                  
Mullewa nutrition education initiatives                    
Anglicare WA Emergency Food Relief program                
Mid West Food Industries Alliance/Cluster food and beverage promotion and business generation                                            
EON Foundation school garden program                                          
Gascoyne Food Council local produce promotion and business generation                          
Gascoyne Food Festival                    
Food Sensations® for Schools        
School Breakfast Program                    
Fair Game: Healthy Bellies and Game On!                                    
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation program                                                
Go for 2&5 Swim For Fruit program                        
Seeds in Schools Program                                                    
Midwest Food Community project                                                                
Geraldton Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program 1                              
Geraldton School Breakfast program 1                              
Geraldton Caterers Club 1                            
Ngala: Eat Up Program                        
Ngala: EON program                
  1.1 Talk about addressing food security in a holistic, big picture way or focus on specific parts of food security 1.2 Generating a passion for community to take action in relation to food security 1.3 Before the initiative started, considerations around how it would be developed 1.4 Broad goals relating to food security across regional WA, without specifying how they would be achieved 1.5 Clear geographical or issue-based boundaries 1.6 Flexible plans or outcomes that are able to adapt over time 1.7 Help to bring out different (and conflicting) points of view about how to address food insecurity in the community 1.8 Create some kind of controversy or challenge the status quo for food security 2.1 Encourage safe to fail experiments for food security– where people can try a number of different things and it’s ok if they don’t allwork out 2.2 Provide ways for people to come together (in a safe space) to talk about food security issues – open discussions, talk about diferences, and encourage new ideas 2.3 Support collective action on food security (different people and groups acting together) 2.4 Different focus areas (addressing different aspects of food security) such as food availability aspects, food access aspects, food utiisation aspects 2.5 Create connections with other projects, groups or individuals who are addressing food security in the area 2.6 Cater for different perspectives through a diverse range of community tools or framing of issues for food security 3.1 Use logos, taglines or branding, resources/ideas created collectively to increase awareness and understanding of a food secure regon 3.2 Encourage people to be food security role models/champions 3.3 Support programs, projects or organisations that are focusing on different parts of food security, to share information 3.4 Support people working to address food security to combine their resources and/or skills in new ways 4.1 Fit within local constraints/context/needs in relation to food security within this community 4.2 Provide a structure, such as a group, for diverse stakeholders to continue their work together by supporting ongoing collaboration forfood security 4.3 Use marketing or communication materials for the broader community to understand food security 4.4 Monitor unplanned/unforeseen outcomes in relation to food security 5.1 Keep people informed about the “big picture” of food security 5.2 Use technology to understand and/or share information with others addressing food security 5.3 Connect people who have different perspectives on food security 5.4 Support collective learning about food security through recording discussions and ideas and making them available to others 6.1 Support public servants to explain food security policies so they can be understood and used by communities 6.2 Help governments to be transparent and provide information about food security in ways that are accessible to communities 6.3 Assists government and non-government workers to consider community views and ideas about food security 7.1 Support elected representatives (local, state, federal) to explain food security policies so they can be understood and used by comunities 7.2 Assists elected representatives (local, state, federal) to consider community views and ideas about food security 8.1 Help staff (government and non-government) to use community knowledge, ideas and innovations about food security 8.2 Link community-led activities to government strategic planning 8.3 Gather community knowledge and ideas about food security and make it available for others to use in different ways 9.1 Support elected representatives (local, state, federal) to use community knowledge, ideas and innovations about food security 9.2 Provide elected representatives (local, state, federal) with community information about food security that is relevant to their electorate area or portfolio

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led organisation



Federal government

Formal community group

Indigenous Business

Local government

Non-government Organisations

Not for profit

Social Enterprise

State government